
Greater Houston Partnership Announces Craig Rhodes to Lead 经济发展 Efforts


克雷格·罗兹的大头照. 经济发展副总裁

克雷格·罗兹先生. 经济发展副总裁 for the Greater Houston Partnership

5月1日休斯敦, 2024年——大休斯顿合作组织提拔了克雷格·罗兹, 18年的经济发展老手, 作为新的高级副总裁, 经济发展. 罗兹在合伙公司工作了12年, 最近一次是担任副总统, 区域经济发展. 

在这个新角色中, Rhodes will lead domestic and international economic development and trade efforts for the Partnership, 直接向总裁兼首席执行官史蒂夫·基恩汇报. 

自2020年以来, 罗兹领导了该伙伴关系的区域经济发展团队, resulting in 69 regional expansion and relocation projects creating more than 13,000余人,保留6000余人,000个工作岗位,资本支出4美元.3B.

“In my time at the Partnership I have been impressed with our domestic and international economic development work and especially with Craig’s leadership, 战略思考, 和执行,史蒂夫·基恩说, 合伙企业的总裁兼首席执行官. “I’m confident he will lead our economic development efforts at the Partnership well and continue the great work with our regional economic development partners through the Houston Region 经济发展 Alliance (HREDA).  特别是HREDA的努力, is a hallmark of Craig’s collaborative style and is a great demonstration of the “power of together” that we display every day in the Greater Houston area.”

Rhodes was part of the Partnership’s economic development team from 2006-2014. 从2014年到2020年, 他在中心点皇冠HGA010官方下载公司的经济发展团队工作, 支持大休斯顿地区的新增长. 罗兹于2020年重返合伙企业.

He served as Chair of the Houston 区域经济发展 Alliance (HREDA) from 2017-2022 and expanded the scope of HREDA for the betterment of the 12-county Houston region. He has also served on the 董事会 for the Texas 经济发展 Council and the Utility 经济发展 Association. He is an active member of the International 经济发展 Council and has held numerous Board and leadership roles in economic development across the Houston area. 

Rhodes received a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing from The University of Texas at Austin in 2001 and earned his Certified 经济发展, CEcD, 2015年获得国际经济发展理事会认证. 他和妻子克里斯蒂育有三个孩子.  



Houston Astros’ Entertainment District to Drive Significant Economic Growth

The Houston Astros are set to bolster their role as a major economic driver for the city with a new mixed-use district.   该地区, 哪一个是17层的, 300间客房的酒店和60间,000 square feet of retail and entertainment space adjacent to Minute Maid Park, 预计将产生5美元.7 billion in economic impact over 20 years, according to the Houston Business Journal. 去年公布的, the project is part of a larger initiative to transform downtown into a premier entertainment destination like those around other MLB ballparks such as The Battery Atlanta and Ballpark Village in St. 路易.  单击展开 The project also includes plans for a three-story building that will serve as a gathering space for game day watch parties and live music events. The space will feature a large outdoor screen where fans can watch the Astros and other Houston teams such as the Texans and Rockets, 以及其他重大体育赛事. It will also be enclosed by glass windows overlooking the ballpark that can open during pleasant weather.  “Hga010皇冠软件下载的目标是让这里全年都具有吸引力, 不仅仅是在比赛日, 这将是一个非常伟大的, 发生的地点,吉尔斯·吉布说, 太空人队的高级副总裁兼总法律顾问, 在声明中. “如果你想去公共场所观看体育赛事, 这就是Hga010皇冠软件下载要去的地方."  Hines, the Houston real estate firm responsible for the Toyota Center, will develop the district. 与此同时, 总部位于达拉斯的HKS建筑事务所, 以设计德克萨斯游骑兵队的环球生活球场而闻名, 正在为项目制定总体规划吗. Construction on the district is expected to begin in 2025 and span three years, 估计耗资3.27亿美元.  This significant investment comes as Houston's growing prominence as an international sports city takes center stage, highlighted by its success in securing major sporting events such as the 2026 FIFA World Cup and the 2025, 2027年和2031年AAU青年奥林匹克运动会. 该地区 will further strengthen the city’s reputation as an entertainment destination, 市中心吸引了更多的游客.   了解更多关于在休斯顿生活的信息.  


Houston has once again topped the rankings of an annual list of America’s Best Cities, 声称在州内排名第一. 全美排名第10,超过达拉斯和奥斯汀.  这份报告, 由国际咨询公司Resonance编制, 对人口超过500的城市进行排名,以宜居性为基础, 可爱与繁荣. The Bayou City has consistently ranked high on Resonance’s list over the years, placing No. 2023年是第9位,2023年是第9位. 11 in 2022, 因其文化多样性而备受赞誉, 获奖餐厅场景, 财富500强企业的数量和生活质量.  Houston’s population gains can be attributed to its quality of life and strong economy. 根据大休斯顿合伙公司的分析, 休斯顿增加了近140人,到2023年将有1万名居民, 这标志着美国人口增长率第二高.S. 地铁.  奥斯汀可能会得到关注, but the promise of the Lone Star State drawing Californians and New Yorkers is quietly being fulfilled in Houston,报告说。.  This year’s report again recognizes Houston as one of the most diverse cities in the nation, with one in four residents being foreign-born and over 145 languages spoken, 赢得第一名. 在该报告的文化类别中排名第21位. 该报告还强调了这座城市丰富的国际节日, 世界级的博物馆和文化中心, 包括将于明年开放的新伊斯玛仪中心.  Houston’s dining scene ranked fourth in the report’s restaurant subcategory, 排在旧金山等热门美食目的地之前, 拉斯维加斯和迈阿密. 这座城市因其多样化的菜肴而赢得赞誉, described in the report as “Southern Soul and barbecue with Mexican that’s then seasoned with global cuisine.今年早些时候, 11 Houston restaurants and chefs were named semifinalists for the 2024 James Beard Awards.   该报告还称赞了休斯顿强劲的经济,排名第一. 财富500强企业数量和专利数量位居全国第三. 休斯顿有26家财富500强企业, making it the third-largest hub for Fortune 500 headquarters in the nation. 作为商业发展和机遇的枢纽, 休斯顿最近还被评为最适合发展企业的城市, 根据RevOps团队的一项新研究.  另外, Resonance recognized the Bayou City for its leadership in the global energy transition, with an estimated $250 billion in potential investment in the region over the next 15 years, 根据麦肯锡最近的一份报告. 该报告还强调了休斯顿作为太空城的声誉, 提到了关键的设施和投资,比如休斯顿太空港, 它是由获得nasa合同的公司Axiom Space主持的, 柯林斯航空航天和直觉机器公司.  了解更多关于在休斯顿生活的信息.  




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